Be An Informed Patient; Ask These Questions Before Getting A Root Canal

A root canal is a dental procedure for treating the infected pulp of a tooth. It involves cleaning the inside of the tooth, disinfecting it, and then sealing it. Just like any other dental procedure, you should ask your dentist questions and understand the procedure fully before undergoing it. Here are some of the questions to ask: What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Procedure? A root canal is an ingenious way of dealing with a tooth whose pulp has been damaged, but it isn't the only treatment available. Read More 

3 Health Conditions That May Discolor Your Teeth

Tooth staining is often caused by eating highly pigmented foods and beverages such as coffee, wines, and cherries. It can also caused by cigarette and cigar smoking, taking liquid iron supplements, and poor oral hygiene. While these are the most common causes of dental stains, there are other reasons, such as certain health conditions, that may lead to dull or discolored teeth. Here are three health conditions that may cause your teeth to lose their brightness and what you can do about them: Read More 

Top Dentist Friendly Snacks For A Family On-The-Go

You don't have to be deprived of many of the tasty treats you crave just to keep your oral health in check. Your body needs vitamins and specific minerals to sustain your oral health. Harder fruits and vegetables promote production of saliva, which can aid in the prevention of cavities. Planning healthy snacks aren't that difficult with some of these pointers. Dairy and Cheese Snacks: Dairy snacks are good for your teeth because of the calcium they provide. Read More 

Can Dental Issues Cause Fatal Complications?

It may be recommended to see a dentist twice a year for cleanings and a checkup, but you may not want to wait until then if you have a major dental issue that concerns you. There are potential fatal complications that can happen from ignoring a dental issue. Bacterial Infection That Spreads Through The Body Your mouth can be a great place for bacteria to breed because of the moisture and temperature in it. Read More 

3 Tips For Whiter Teeth This Summer

With school out, now is a great time to focus on making your teeth as white as possible. Here are three easy habits that will help you get the smile you always wanted. #1 Brush & Floss Daily The best way to get whiter teeth is to brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis. You should first use a cavity fighting toothpaste in the morning to be sure that you are fighting off the bacteria that could cause your teeth to decay and develop serious teeth issues down the line. Read More