What To Expect During The Placement Of A Dental Crown

Whether you have chipped your tooth on a hard piece of candy or have had tooth decay that resulted in a large cavity, your dentist may recommend that you have a dental crown placed. Think of a prosthetic crown as a sort of cap that covers the natural crown of the damaged tooth to protect it from further harm. The application of a crown is a standard dental procedure. Even so, if you are planning to have a crown placed soon, it may help you to understand what to expect from the treatment: Here are a few details about the placement of a crown: Read More 

4 Things You Need To Know About Perio-Endo Lesions

Perio-endo lesions are lesions with both periodontal and endodontic involvement. This means that your gum tissue and the tissues that support your teeth are inflamed and infected, while the pulp at the center of your tooth is also dying off. Here are four things you need to know about these serious dental lesions. What are the signs of perio-endo lesions? If you have perio-endo lesions, the affected teeth will hurt. You may also notice pus discharging from between your teeth or from beneath your gum line. Read More 

3 Teeth Whitening Advantages Provided By A Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic dentists should be your first choice when it comes to improving the appearance of your teeth, especially if you are trying to whiten your teeth. Sure, there are a wide-range of decent teeth whitening products and kits that you can purchase at your local supermarket, but a cosmetic dentist can provide a host of benefits that those products cannot compete with. Listed below are three advantages provided by a cosmetic dentist when you need your teeth whitened. Read More