Adult Braces: Considerations To Think About

If you are an adult and you would like to correct your smile, you have several options available to you. One of the most common ways to straighten your teeth is with braces. The thought of wearing braces as an adult may seem off-putting, but there are innovative ways adults can wear braces and feel comfortable doing so. Here are some things to help you get used to the idea of wearing braces as an adult: Read More 

Factors That Determine Dental Implants Costs

Missing teeth can cause bone loss in your mouth. Gaps in your teeth can cause self-esteem issues. However, dental implants reinstate your smile and the functionality of your teeth. If you want the best solution to missing teeth, dental implants offer a lasting remedy. If you decide to get tooth implants, it's essential to think about the cost of the implants. Many factors determine the price of dental implants. You must educate yourself on these variables. Read More 

To Prepare Or Not To Prepare: What Are The Best Veneers For You?

If you're in the market for dental veneers, you've probably familiarized yourself with the different options available. These are traditional veneers, no-preparation veneers, and clip-on veneers. For legitimate dental problems, you can forget about clip-on veneers. These are purely cosmetic, allowing you to slip on a covering for your teeth to make them look whiter and more uniform in shape, such as for a special occasion. It's like a bald man wearing a toupĂ©e. Read More 

6 Ways to Maintain Teeth Whitening Results

If you recently received a professional teeth whitening treatment at your dentist's office, you likely feel more self-confident about your smile. However, if you want to maintain your results for a long time, you may need to change some of your current habits. Here are some useful tips for maintaining teeth whitening results. Limit Teeth-Staining Foods and Beverages Dark-colored foods and beverages can stain your teeth over time. If you want to maintain your teeth whitening results for a while, you should try to limit your consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, pasta sauce, and other stain-causing foods and drinks. Read More