Is Gum Disease Responsible For Your Tooth Sensitivity?

If you have sensitive teeth, it's understandable if you're concerned that there's something wrong with the teeth that are painful. It might surprise you to discover that in many cases, it's not actually the fault of the teeth that you're in pain. If you have gum disease, it may instead be responsible for the sensitivity or discomfort that you're going through. If you're having this problem and know or suspect that you have gum disease, read on to discover how it could be putting you in pain. Read More 

Three Possible Reasons Why Your Floss Keeps Shredding

Flossing your teeth is an essential part of maintaining a healthy smile, but it can pose difficulties for some people. If you try to floss on a regular basis but come away with shredded floss when you slide it between your teeth, don't give up on flossing. Try reading this guide to find out what's shredding your floss and how to resolve the problem. Bad Floss Floss comes in many varieties, colors, and flavors, but the reality is, not all floss varieties available on the market are equal. Read More 

General Dentist Treatment 101 | All About Shots

There are a lot of reasons why people get scared of going to the dentist, but one of the things that can bring about the most nervousness for some people is getting shots in their mouth. It is fairly common for a fear of needles to get in the way of being comfortable with certain medical procedures. However, the more you understand about why the dentist gives you shots, the more comfortable you will likely be when you are seated for your appointment, and you see the dentist start preparing a needle for an injection. Read More 

3 Tips For Your Cosmetic Dentistry

When you are thinking about getting your smile fixed perfectly, be sure that you find the help of a cosmetic professional who can help you out. You will want to touch base with a cosmetic dentist who can assist you whenever you need teeth whitening, braces, or any other work. Make sure that you consider the tips below to get what you need when you get your teeth worked on.  Read More 

Types Of Oral Surgery

Many dental procedures are noninvasive. However, sometimes, the only way to preserve your oral health is through oral surgery. Here are a few common types of oral surgery that your dentist may perform. Root Planing and Scaling Gum disease occurs as the gingival tissues become inflamed. The inflammation can progress, leading to a gum infection that can cause tooth and bone loss.  Initially, gum disease has mild symptoms, such as tissue swelling, reddening, and light bleeding. Read More