Types Of Oral Surgery

Many dental procedures are noninvasive. However, sometimes, the only way to preserve your oral health is through oral surgery. Here are a few common types of oral surgery that your dentist may perform. Root Planing and Scaling Gum disease occurs as the gingival tissues become inflamed. The inflammation can progress, leading to a gum infection that can cause tooth and bone loss.  Initially, gum disease has mild symptoms, such as tissue swelling, reddening, and light bleeding. Read More 

3 Tips For Preparing For Wisdom Tooth Extraction

One thing you may need to do at some point in life is having your wisdom teeth removed. You'll want to be prepared for this to have the best possible results. The good news is there are many things you can do to ease the stress of this process and improve your dental health. Being aware of tips that can help you during and after a wisdom tooth extraction is ideal. Read More 

Are Your Wisdom Teeth A Problem But Not A Dental Emergency? Here’s Why You Still Want Them Out

If you have never had your wisdom teeth out and they are bothering you slightly, but your dentist doesn't think there is an immediate need for surgery, there are some things to take into consideration. You want to undergo the surgery while you are younger and it's easier to bounce back and before you end up with serious health complications. There are a lot of people that have some problems beyond just pain in the mouth, including the following things. Read More 

Implant Supported Dentures – Solving The Issues You Have With Lower Dentures

If you wear both upper and lower dentures, you know how much of a struggle it can be to wear your lower plate. The upper plate has the roof of your mouth to suction to, but the lower one is simply relying on the shape of your gums/bone for grip. Poorly fitting lower dentures can lead to all sorts of problems. Here, you will learn about the problems caused by lower dentures that don't stay where they're meant to and what you can do to solve the problem. Read More 

Dental Visits: Stop Being Scared

Dentists might not be scary as individuals, but anxiety and stress may begin to build in your body whenever you make an appointment to see one. Whether you're still dealing with memories of a bad experience as a young kid or have fear for other reasons, your discomfort needs attention. If you ignore it, you could evade dentists for years, which isn't healthy. Commit to a fear-free experience by preparing your body and mind with these suggestions. Read More