Sensitive Teeth: Causes And Treatment Options

If you have sensitive teeth, then you may feel pain or tingling sensations when you eat or drink cold, hot, sweet, or sour items. Sensitive teeth can be caused by temporary factors, however, for some people, it is a long-standing problem. Before your dentist can recommend the appropriate treatment for your tooth sensitivity, they will need to determine the cause. Here are some causes of tooth sensitivity and some effective treatment options. 

Sensitive Teeth Causes

One of the most common causes of sensitive teeth is consuming large amounts of acidic beverages and foods such as coffee, orange juice, tea, lemons, soft drinks, and tomatoes. Over time, the acid from these foods and drinks can erode or thin your tooth enamel. When this happens it can expose the underlying dentin, which is highly sensitive.

In addition to causing sensitive teeth, acid erosion can also cause your teeth to look yellow. This is because dentin is naturally yellow and when it is visible because of enamel erosion, the yellow tone shows through. Cavities, tooth root damage, grinding your teeth, and even gum disease can also cause sensitive teeth. Further, excessive at-home bleaching products used to whiten your teeth can cause dental sensitivity, however, this type of tooth sensitivity is typically short-lived and often resolves after a few days.

Treatment Options For Sensitive Teeth

Preserving your tooth enamel by not brushing your teeth too hard, limiting your intake of acidic foods and drinks, and avoiding excessive use of home bleaching products can help minimize dental sensitivity. Seeing your dentist on a regular basis for professional teeth cleanings can also help reduce sensitivity and brushing your teeth with a toothpaste for people with sensitive teeth can also help reduce your symptoms. 

Sensitive teeth that are caused by cavities can often be resolved after your dentist treats them with fillings to cover the exposed sensitive roots of your teeth. Your dentist may also recommend dental sealants to reduce the symptoms of dental sensitivity, and if your teeth are sensitive as a result of tooth grinding, wearing a mouthguard when your sleep may help decrease your symptoms over time. In addition, if your dental sensitivity is extreme, your dentist may recommend a root canal. 

If you have sensitive teeth, schedule an appointment with your dentist. After they determine the cause and implement a treatment plan, you may then be able to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks more comfortably.

Reach out to a local dentist to learn more.
