How To Deal With Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom teeth are the last to grow, but they are notorious for causing problems. Most people will suffer from swollen gums, tooth pain, impaction, jaw pain, and tooth abscess. Tooth pain is the most common problem. And while it might go away on its own, you should know how to deal with it if it persists. Here are some proven ways of reducing wisdom tooth pain.

Use an Ice Pack

Ice packs have been the go-to pain relievers for most people. So, if you are in excruciating pain, you can apply an ice pack to the jaw. You'll be surprised by how fast the pain will disappear. The ice pack will produce a numbing effect on the affected wisdom tooth, reducing the pain. You are advised to apply the ice pack to the jaw for a few minutes before taking a break. Repeat the process until the pain wears off.

Take Painkillers

Sometimes wisdom tooth pain can be so bad that most home remedies won't help. In such cases, you should turn to painkillers. You can ask your local dentist to prescribe the best painkillers for tooth pain. Most pain relievers will work within minutes of using them. 

You can even purchase painkillers at your preferred stores. Some of the preferred medicines for painkillers include ibuprofen and Tylenol.

Gurgle Saltwater

Rinsing your mouth with some saltwater can also do the trick. Saltwater works by killing the bacteria that might have cropped up around your wisdom tooth. At least the infection around the tooth will disappear after some time. You should do a saltwater rinse a few times a day until the infection heals. 

Try Out Some Cloves

Cloves are also great at reducing tooth pain. So, if you have some clove oil or whole cloves available, try applying them to the wisdom tooth. Of course, the application will differ depending on whether you use clove oil or whole cloves. 

If you choose to use clove oil, pour some of it on a ball of cotton wool and place it on the affected tooth until the pain subsides. If you use whole cloves, you should place them on the tooth and hold them with your jaw. Hold the clove in place until the pain disappears.

See a Dentist

If the wisdom tooth pain doesn't subside after using all these remedies, don't hesitate to see your dentist. The dentist will try to treat it; if nothing changes, they'll have to extract it. The pain should disappear after the extraction. 

For more information about dental services, contact a local dentist. 
