What Causes Enamel Erosion And Why You Should Aim To Avoid This Problem

When teeth erupt in your mouth, they are extremely strong and are designed to last a lifetime. Part of what makes teeth so strong is the layer of enamel found on the outer parts of a tooth. This enamel stops acids from damaging teeth and keeps your teeth healthier longer. The problem is, though, that enamel can wear away, and this is called enamel erosion. This occurs from many things, and that is why it is so important to make sure that you do everything you can to stop this from happening.

Top causes of enamel erosion

For the enamel to wear away from your teeth, it often takes two different things. The first is time, and the second is acid. Acid is something you can find in beverages and foods, and when your teeth are exposed to acids regularly, it can cause enamel erosion. Grinding your teeth is another common cause of this problem with teeth. Enamel erosion is also more likely to happen if you smoke or use other forms of tobacco products. People with certain health conditions, such as GERD, also have a higher risk of enamel erosion due to the elevated levels of acids that come in contact with their teeth.

Why you should take steps to avoid this problem

The top reason to take this problem seriously is because once the enamel is gone, it is gone. You cannot get enamel back after you lose it, and when you lose it, your teeth become more vulnerable to problems. Teeth without enamel have no protection over them, and this leads to a higher risk of developing cavities, gum disease, and any other type of oral problem.

The steps you can take to strengthen your teeth

Fortunately, you can protect the enamel on your teeth with the right habits. The first habit you should have is proper brushing habits, which involve the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that contains fluoride. Secondly, you should use a fluoride mouth rinse each day, as fluoride that comes in contact with your teeth strengthens any remaining enamel you have. Finally, visit a dentist regularly and address all oral concerns or problems the dentist finds or tells you about at your visits.

Enamel erosion naturally occurs as you age, but you can still keep your teeth strong through the right steps. Talk to dentists at clinics like Ramtown Dental Associates if you have questions about this.
