Considering Invisalign As An Adult? What You Need To Know

When it comes to braces, they are no longer just for adolescents. Plenty of adults are now seeking out orthodontic treatment in order to get the smile that they desire. In fact, more than one in five people who are getting orthodontic treatment services are over the age of 18. For many adults, Invisalign is their orthodontic treatment of choice. These clear plastic aligners are discreet yet typically offer the same results as traditional metal braces. If you are considering Invisalign, here's what you need to know.

It Can Cost You

The cost of these invisible braces will vary depending on the length of your treatment, what your goals are, your orthodontist, and also your particular orthodontic needs. Some dental insurance policies may cover some of the costs, but typically you will need to pay for most of the cost of treatment. Invisalign braces typically cost between $3,000 and $8,000. In terms of cost, this is on par with traditional metal braces, which range in price from $3,000 to $7,350 on average. Many orthodontists offer payment plans for your treatment.

It's a Time Commitment

While you may not be going into the orthodontist to have your wires and bands changed as you would with traditional metal braces, this doesn't mean that Invisalign doesn't require a time commitment. Regular visits to your orthodontist are required with this type of braces. With this type of treatment, clear plastic aligners are used to gradually straighten your teeth. You will need to get new aligners every few weeks in order to continue this process. It's also necessary to wear your aligners at all times, other than when you are drinking or eating, in order to see the expected results.

Treatment Can Take Longer

Another thing to consider if you are an adult who is considering this orthodontic treatment is that treatment can take longer. Children and adolescents typically wear braces for around two years. For adults treatment typically takes between three and four years. Getting the results that you desire may take longer than expected. It's important to discuss this with your orthodontist before seeking treatment. While treatment can take a while, with Invisalign you will notice few changes to your daily life. You can still eat and drink what you like, and the aligners are virtually undetectable.

If you are considering Invisalign as an adult, there are a few things that you should know. First, costs can vary, but typically you will pay a few thousand for your treatment. Treatment time for adults also tends to be longer and can range from three to four years. This type of treatment also requires a visit to your orthodontist every few weeks for new aligners. It's important to make sure that you are able to commit to your treatment.
