Uses Of Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a device that is used to encircle, protect, and restore the natural crown of a tooth. In addition, a crown may be used as a component of a tooth-replacement device to cover or secure the device in the mouth.

A crown may be made of metal, such as gold, silver, or stainless steel. However, many people preferred tooth-colored crown materials, such as resin, porcelain, and porcelain-over-metal, since they can be matched to the color of the patient's other teeth for a more discreet restoration.

Here are some of the dental applications that often require the use of a crown.

Filling Large Cavities

Decay, which is the dissolution of the tooth enamel, can result in a small cavity that may self-resolve or require a filling. Still, in some instances the decay is allowed to progress until a large hole forms in a tooth.

Since the dentist must remove any remaining decay before placing a filling, the structure of a tooth can be significantly compromised as the tooth is being treated for a large cavity.Instead only placing a filling in the compromised tooth, the dentist may also cover the tooth with a dental crown to ensure that the tooth receives adequate protection and structural support. 

Covering a Dental Implant

A dental implant is a revolutionary device that can be used to replace a permanent tooth that has been lost. The implant is drilled through the gums into the bone of the jaw to replace the roots of the missing tooth. However, the implant itself does not replace the natural crown. A dental crown is required.

After the implant has healed into position, the device is fitted with a connector or abutment to which the crown can connect. The crown is then added to the prosthetic tooth to complete the dental restoration.

Fixing a Dental Bridge in Place

A dental bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. The device includes the false teeth to fill the gaps left by the lost teeth and one or more dental crowns that attach to abutment teeth to hold the bridge firmly in place.

A bridge often includes a dental crown on each end of the device. However, it may also include a single crown if only one abutment tooth is available to stabilize the bridge.

To learn more about dental crowns, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your local area.
