4 Common Questions About Invisalign

Are you looking to use Invisalign to straighten your teeth due to not liking the looks of traditional braces? If so, you may be wondering how Invisalign is different. Here are a few common questions about Invisalign that you likely have.

1. How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign is a process that gradual adjustments to the alignment of your teeth over a period of time. It begins by having measurements taken of all your teeth, and then creating molds that are worn in different stages. This allows for small changes until the teeth eventually move into the final placement, taking multiple months to finish the process. However, treatment length can vary based on the amount of adjustments that are needed.

When you receive your Invisalign trays, there will be a specific order that they must be worn in. You wear the trays for a few weeks, and then swap it out for the next tray in the set. The process still requires visits to your orthodontist to make sure that they are moving your teeth in the proper position.

2. How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

You can expect the Invisalign process to cost more than traditional braces. On average, the procedure costs approximately $5,000. If you do not have major adjustments for your teeth, traditional braces can cost $1,800 on the low end. You can always use dental insurance to help bring the cost down, so be sure to check with your insurance provider. It's possible to get a big discount by simply going to an orthodontist within your network.

3. Are You Limited To Eating Certain Foods With Invisalign?

The great thing about Invisalign is that you are allowed eat anything you want while having the treatment done. This is because the plastic trays are removable, and you can take them out to eat foods that are hard, sticky, or would otherwise get stuck between metal wires of traditional braces.

4. How Long Must Invisalign Trays Be Worn Each Day?

While the trays are removable, you still must commit to wearing them every single day. Your dentist will recommend that you wear them for 22 hours every day, which should give you time to remove them for eating and oral health care. It also means that you must wear the trays overnight, which can take some time to adjust to.

Still have questions about using Invisalign? Schedule a consultation with a dental office like Donald E. Snyder Orthodontics. They can let you know more information about the procedure.
