3 Ways to Keep Your Teeth White at a Summer Cookout

Summer is a season full of fun with friends and family. Many of these events—from parties to barbeque cookouts—revolve around delicious food. While the sun is bright outside, you also want to make sure that you keep your teeth white and healthy. You should keep up your regular oral hygiene routine by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. You can also augment your daily habits so that you keep your teeth and mouth healthy. There are just a few simple things that you can easily integrate into your routine. Here are three ways to keep your teeth white at a summer cookout.

Drink plenty of water to wash away food residues.

Drinking plenty of water can help to keep your teeth healthy by reducing your risk of developing plaque. Summer cookouts are rife with tons of acidic sauces, sugary treats, and greasy foods. The residues left over by these foods can bind with bacteria on your teeth to form plaque, leading to tooth decay and cavities over time. Water helps to wash away these residues, buying you time until you can properly brush your teeth. Drinking water during the hot summer also helps you to stay hydrated.

Eat plenty of crunchy vegetables and fruits.

During the summer, many delicious fruits and vegetables come into season. Make sure that you keep vegetables and fruits as a main component of your diet. Not only does produce help provide essential nutrients, but fruits and vegetables also can help keep your teeth healthy. The vigorous chewing required to break down crunchy fruits and vegetables stimulates saliva production; the saliva produced by the chewing helps to wash away food residues and loosen particles from between your teeth and gums. You can also satisfy your sweet tooth with a crunchy apple because the natural sugars in that fruit are diluted by its high water content.

Drink sugary beverages through a straw.

Sodas, iced coffees, sugary cocktails, and red wines are very popular at summer cookouts. When you reach for these sweet beverages, consider drinking them through a straw. This helps to reduce the amount of sugars and acids that come into contact with your teeth. You can fully enjoy the taste of these drinks without worrying about staining your teeth or leaving sugary residues behind that can bind with plaque-causing bacteria. To be safe, you should also follow a sugary beverage up with a glass of water. For more tips, talk to a general dentist.
